Allergies, skin and face

Vitiligo (white spot disease)

Vitiligo is a localised white patch of the skin with loss of pigment. This disease is caused by genetic, autoimmune and neurological factors.


  • White, sharply defined patches of skin (depigmentation)

According to Chinese medicine, vitiligo is a reflection of the disease on the skin. The skin is not nourished due to disharmony between qi and blood. In addition, this process is usually aggravated by the penetration of wind from outside or by emotional and mental disturbances.

In the treatment, the harmonisation of Qi and blood is the basic principle. The lungs are the corresponding organ of the skin, hair and head. Treating the acupuncture points of the lung meridians can transport the blood and qi throughout the body. Moxibustion treatment can regulate Lung Qi, harmonise Qi and blood, and refine the skin.

Peripheral pricking of white spots and local puncture with fire needles can promote local blood circulation. These treatments can eliminate blood stasis, expel wind pathogens, improve meridian circulation, tone the liver and kidneys, and nourish the blood. This eliminates the white spots, promotes melanocyte regeneration and restores the normal function of melanocytes on the skin surface.