
Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is a painful inflammation of the tendon in the lateral region of the elbow joint. The pain is caused by chronic tears and strains after repetitive strain on the local muscles. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that most pain is caused by overuse of the wrist or finger joints and is also related to factors such as wind and cold.

Does tennis elbow only occur in people who play tennis? Obviously not. It is very easy to develop tennis elbow when there are repetitive movements of any part of the body, especially repetitive strain associated with the extension and flexion of the wrist.


  • Restricted movement

  • Pain in the lateral elbow

Acupuncture relieves pain and tension in the muscles, accelerates blood circulation and promotes the dissolution of local musculofascial adhesions and contractures, thus relieving the pain very quickly. The effect is seen very quickly and the patient should rest the affected limb as much as possible during the treatment.

NUWA Health Tip: Gentle measures

1. correct the stroke with the straight arm so that the upper and lower arm remain at a firm and flexible angle when swinging back or forward.

2. protect the wrist and elbow with a supportive wrist and elbow brace. Limit the rotation and extension of the wrist and elbow.

3. wrap an elastic bandage around the abdomen of the forearm during tennis practice to relieve pain; be careful not to tighten the bandage too much.

4. If tennis elbow is diagnosed, it is best to stop exercising until you have fully recovered and the movement errors have been corrected.