Thyroid diseases can be divided into hormonal dysfunction (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) and changes in size and condition (goitre, nodule and thyroid tumour). Chinese medicine believes that thyroid disorders are caused by a blockage of the meridians in the body.
Tiredness, lack of drive
Shortness of breath, low pulse
Depressive mood
Weight gain
Physical changes such as enlarged thyroid gland, hair loss, dry skin etc.
TCM acupuncture and moxibustion can treat thyroid disorders. It can be a treatment alternative for patients who are not comfortable with Western medicine treatment. In addition, TCM methods can be combined very well with Western medical treatment methods to reduce the side effects of Western medical treatment. The purpose of acupuncture treatment is to pierce the meridians. It can be used especially for some diseases with diffuse thyroid enlargement and thyroid nodules.