The smoke quitting syndrome is known medically as nicotine withdrawal syndrome. After a person quits smoking, due to the lack of stimulation from nicotine, the body must adjust to a new balance and restore normal, healthy metabolic functions. This can be uncomfortable at first and withdrawal symptoms may occur. The appearance of withdrawal symptoms gives the person quitting the illusion that they are sick. Withdrawal symptoms are actually just a temporary physiological reaction of the body to the change.
Desire to smoke
Sleep disorders
Depressed mood
Very good results are achieved with acupuncture to quit smoking. Generally, it is a combination of acupuncture and ear acupuncture, which is a comprehensive treatment. After acupuncture, many patients reported that the taste of the smoke became more bitter, spicy, irritating, or light, with a grassy taste; some felt discomfort due to the dryness of the throat when smoking, regardless of the amount of smoke swallowed; some are unwilling to smoke again even after smoking a cigarette. A few people who still experience temptation and salivation, nausea, and other withdrawal symptoms after their first acupuncture session. However, these symptoms gradually disappeared after treatment was continued.