Internal medicine

Stomach pain Stomach cramps

Irritation, emotional upset, internal tension, imbalance of liver and bile secretion and violent contraction of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract can cause stomach pain and lead to indigestion.


  • Stomach pain

  • Indigestion

Stress, overeating or hunger, eating dry, hard or spicy foods and medications can damage the stomach wall and smooth muscle of the intestines, impairing digestive function. Undigested food stagnates in the gastrointestinal tract and leads to ulcers, which in turn cause stomach pain.

Stomach tumours and ulcers damage the stomach wall and impair blood circulation, leading to blood stasis and oedema and thus stomach pain.

Stomach pain related to other internal organs: Often closely related to the liver, spleen and other digestive organs.

Stagnation of the stomach qi and imbalance are the main causes of stomach pain. For example, acute gastritis, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers and functional dyspepsia can cause stomach pain.The NUWA approach uses antispasmodic needling to reopen the circulation, selecting both local and remote dialectical acupuncture points.The effect is remarkable.

Acupuncture can relieve pain in patients with acute stomach pain, leading to a corresponding improvement in the electromyography of the stomach. This suggests an objective pathophysiological basis for the effect of acupuncture in unblocking the meridians, regulating qi flow and relieving acute pain. The use of Chinese herbal medicine is also an effective method and can be combined together to treat stomach pain.

NUWA Health Tip: Stomach pain can be prevented by paying attention to mental and dietary order. Patients should develop regular living and eating habits and avoid overeating, hunger and satiety; if stomach pain persists, a liquid or semi-liquid diet should be taken for a period of time. It is advisable to eat small and more frequent meals and to eat light and easily digestible food. One should avoid high-fibre foods, strong tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and spicy foods, etc. It is recommended to chew thoroughly and swallow slowly. Medicines like salicylic acid and adrenocorticotropic hormone should be used with caution. At the same time, maintaining a good mental mood and avoiding stress are important factors in prevention.