Viral, bacterial and mycoplasma infections are the main causes of pneumonia. Inhalation of harmful gases and particles, immune status, age and climate are also important factors in the development of pneumonia.
Most have typical symptoms such as fever and cough, but some have fewer symptoms or are asymptomatic. The first symptoms are shortness of breath, dyspnoea, loss of consciousness, drowsiness, dehydration and loss of appetite. There may be a rapid pulse, shortness of breath, moist rales on auscultation of the lungs or decreased breath sounds and bronchoalveolar breath sounds, etc.
Fatigue, drowsiness
Shortness of breath
Rapid pulse
According to TCM, this condition is usually due to excessive exertion or an imbalance of cold and temperature, irregular lifestyle, weakened immune function, the invasion of external pathogens. Pneumonia is closely related to the heart, liver and kidney. TCM treatment can significantly alleviate the patient's symptoms and greatly improve the patient's quality of life. Treatment with acupuncture is supported by the use of herbs, Tuina massage and cupping.