Any chronic inflammation of the colon can be called chronic colitis. It is a chronic, recurrent and multifactorial disease. Inflammatory oedema, ulcers and bleeding in the bowel occur due to various pathogenic factors. In a narrower sense, the name refers to ulcerative colitis. Patients often suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhoea, mucous stools or stools mixed with pus and blood, constipation, shortness of breath and fever. It may be accompanied by faecal incontinence and unexplained weight loss. The disease may recur in episodes. Ulcerative colitis is a form of inflammatory bowel disease called "green cancer" because of its long course and difficulty in clearing it.
Abdominal pain
Painful bowel movements
Feeling of weakness
According to modern medicine, the cause of the disease is not clearly understood. It is generally believed to be related to infections, genetics, environment, food allergies, immune disorders and psychological factors.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the cause of this disease is mainly due to nutritional deficiencies, emotional imbalance and excessive sexual intercourse, which leads to a dysfunction of the spleen and kidneys.Chronic colitis is mainly caused by Dampness and Heat, Yang deficiency in Spleen and Kidney, Qi and Blood deficiency, Qi and Blood stagnation, dietary errors, overwork and mental imbalance.The combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine can warm the Spleen and Stomach and eliminate Dampness and Heat, producing a very good effect.
Our clinical studies have shown that acupuncture helps treat pain, diarrhoea and fatigue, relieves the tension and stress caused by ulcerative colitis, and improves patients' overall well-being.