Hyperprolactinaemia is a syndrome of the endocrine hypothalamic-pituitary axis triggered by various causes. It is mainly characterised by elevated serum prolactin levels and associated clinical symptoms. Patients often present with symptoms such as amenorrhoea, lactation, frequent and scanty menstruation, infertility, hypogonadism, headaches, obesity, etc.
Cycle disorders
Acupuncture can activate the dopamine system in the brain, regulate the function of the brain-pituitary-ovarian axis, restore the normal physiological state of endocrine reproduction and thus regulate menstruation and facilitate pregnancy.
Modern pharmacological research proves that kidney tonic herbs (phytotherapy) can improve blood flow in the uterus, increase estrogen and progesterone levels, regulate the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, improve proliferation and secretion of the endometrium, and promote follicular development, luteal function and ovulation.