Skin diseases are very common with an increasing trend. Fast pace of life, psychological stress, environmental pollution and other factors contribute to it. Many patients suffer from the symptoms for a long time.

Modern medicine usually applies local treatment to skin diseases. Chinese medicine, on the other hand, advocates an overall concept and treatment plan based on the differentiation of the syndrome. It combines local treatment with therapy aimed at strengthening the body's defences and consolidating its constitution.


Common symptoms

  • Itching

  • Redness

  • Scaling

  • Nodules, vesicles and pustules

  • Pain in overstimulated areas

NUWA excels in the treatment of many skin diseases and has achieved very good results by selecting special acupuncture formulas and pure Chinese herbs for oral and external application for various diseases or symptoms. In the past 15 years, the NUWA team has treated over 2,000 patients with various skin diseases, with a cure rate of 61%. Acute diseases show significant improvement within 1 month, and chronic diseases achieve significant improvement and healing within 3 months.