Shingles (herpes zoster) is a skin disease caused by a viral infection. Affected patients had chickenpox at some point, the virus hides in certain nerve nodes and is reactivated in the form of shingles. Shingles can occur anywhere and is mainly characterised by neuralgia. Blisters form at the site of the rash and spread in clusters along one side of the peripheral nerve, causing a burning sensation. If left untreated or if treatment is delayed, it can often lead to neuralgia, which in severe cases can last for years. Therefore, timely and appropriate treatment of this condition is essential.
Rash with blistering
Itching, burning pain, numbness, tickling
Flu-like symptoms, fever, headache, chills and fatigue.
According to Chinese traditional medicine, shingles is caused by the entrapment of fire or moisture in the skin. Herpes zoster most likely leaves residual neuralgia, so early cupping and phlebotomy allow dampness, heat and toxicity to leave the blood, relieving pain and curing the disease.
Acupuncture can activate the meridians, stimulate Qi in the meridians and harmonise Qi and Blood. Fire needling the skin stimulates the local metabolism. In addition, the high temperature of fire needling can directly eliminate herpes viruses. When acupuncture is applied in the early stages, the intermediate stage can be shortened, the rash dries up and crusts quickly without blisters forming. Most patients heal in 3-7 days and no post-herpetic neuralgia occurs. Moxibustion can be used to treat neuralgia. It is particularly good as a heat stimulus that can activate the blood and have an anti-inflammatory effect.