Allergic enteritis is a syndrome characterised by constipation, diarrhoea or both, abnormal stools and accompanying abdominal pain and bloating. It is one of the most common digestive disorders associated with neurological dysfunction. This condition is influenced by mental, psychological, dietary and environmental factors.
Abdominal pain
The key to treating allergic colitis with acupuncture is to cleanse the liver, eliminate dampness and heat, detoxify and regulate the spleen and stomach. The effectiveness of the treatment is safe.
Acupuncture treatment for allergic colitis meets the scope and requirements needed to absorb the energy so that it is easily absorbed by the tissue cells, thus rapidly producing various biological and physicochemical effects in the body, regulating the nervous system, body fluids and endocrine system of the body in both directions, correcting abnormal cell metabolism, establishing and maintaining the function of various organs, etc.
NUWA Health Tip:
1. dietary treatment, take easily digestible food, plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, avoid irritating and cold foods.
2. breathing exercises. Regulate your mood through breathing exercises and make sure you are in a relaxed mood.