Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Chronic cholecystitis is usually the result of acute inflammation, usually due to stones, concentrated bile or metabolic disorders that lead to cholesterol deposits on the bile duct mucosa, stone formation and chronic inflammation.
Pain and pressure in the right upper abdomen
Fever, chills
Nausea, nausea
Chinese medicine believes that this disease is located in the gallbladder and that the main cause is obstruction of the meridians. All dysfunctions that lead to obstruction of the gall bladder are the causes of the disease. Chronic cholecystitis is mainly caused by emotional depression and abnormal catharsis.
The usual treatment for liver and gallbladder disease is to open the meridians of the liver and gallbladder and regulate emotions, qi and blood.
Cholecystitis can be acute or chronic. Acute cholecystitis is more urgent and painful, so it is recommended to visit the hospital first to control the symptoms. After that, acupuncture can be used to support the treatment. For chronic cholecystitis, acupuncture can be used to improve symptoms. Acupuncture can release liver qi and cleanse the liver and bile, thus relieving pain.