Cystitis is the most common disease of the urinary tract, especially in women. Acute cystitis can progress to chronic cystitis without thorough treatment, while chronic cystitis can progress to an acute episode when the body's resistance weakens or the local lesion worsens.
Pain and burning when urinating
Pain in the lower abdomen
Urinary urgency
Cloudy urine
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine are very effective for acute and chronic cystitis and have no toxic side effects. They can also be used to consolidate treatment and prevent recurrence.
Interstitial cystitis is a chronic bladder disease that occurs in middle-aged women and is a group of clinical syndromes with urinary urgency, increased frequency and bladder swelling as the main symptoms.
Traditional Chinese medicine can eliminate heat and dampness, promote diuresis and lymph flow, and tone the kidney to relieve pain. The following acupuncture points are selected: Zu San Li (bilateral), San Yin Jiao (bilateral), Qi Hai, Guan Yuan, Zhong Ji, Tian Shu, and Da Heng. A therapy cycle includes two treatments per week and a total of 10 times. Improvement of symptoms can be observed within 1-3 months.