Causes of back pain include musculoskeletal disorders (e.g. long-term poor sitting habits), infections, tumors, etc. Some studies and observations have demonstrated a strong connection between back pain and disc herniation or degeneration, but the exact mechanisms that cause the pain are not yet clarified. Other studies suggest that the physiological cause of back pain is unpredictable in 85% of cases. Very often, painkillers do not provide sufficient pain relief and even cause side effects.
According to TCM, there are two causes of back pain.
Irregularities in the flow of Qi and blood in the meridians that run along the back. Disturbances in the circulation of Qi and blood can cause pain. The most common causes of circulatory problems are overexertion, penetrating wind and cold from outside, and bruising. Acupuncture is very effective in eliminating these external factors that disrupt the circulation of Qi and blood. A massage is also a good way to promote the recovery of the meridians.
For example, the organs below the back may have limited function, causing the corresponding reflex zones in the back to react abnormally and cause discomfort. For example, a lack of Yang energy in the kidneys leads to coldness and pain in the lower back. Patients with heart disease have obvious pressure points in the thoracic spine.
Movement restrictions
Localised pain
Moving pain
Radiating pain
How can acupuncture help with this problem?
Acupuncture addresses the problem of poor circulation of Qi and blood by directing the appropriate acupuncture points while stimulating the reflex zones of the affected organs. This helps promote recovery of internal organs and restoration of blood circulation and relieve pain. Medical massage (Tuina massage) and cupping enhance local stimulation and help the body regulate itself.
The above treatments also apply to arm and leg problems.