Internal medicine

Acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the trachea and bronchi caused by bacterial and viral infections or physicochemical factors. It is a common disease that usually occurs in winter and spring and can occur at any age. Pathology suggests that acute bronchitis is mainly due to congestion and oedema of the bronchial mucosa with destruction and loss of ciliated epithelial cells. After healing, the lesions subside and the mucous membranes return to normal.


  • Cough and phlegm often accompanied by cold symptoms

  • Sore throat

  • Rhinitis

  • Fatigue

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that the occurrence of this disease is related to climate change. In practice, three types are distinguished, namely wind-cold, which attacks the lungs, wind-heat, which stresses the lungs, and wind-dry, which injures the lungs, depending on the different perceived evil qi (energy influence).

The stimulating effect of acupuncture together with the heat and healing power of moxibustion can harmonise yin and yang, regulate the functions of the internal organs, tonify the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, improve the lungs and loosen phlegm, stop coughing and relieve asthma, support positive energy and strengthen the body's resistance to disease.

The benefits of TCM treatment for acute bronchitis lie mainly in its ability to significantly relieve the patient's symptoms and greatly improve the patient's quality of life. Likewise, the interval between acute attacks can be significantly prolonged.